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The Five Things You Should Know Before You Start Your Catering Business




Do you know that starting a company is cheaper than owning a restaurant? A lot of people want to open up their own place, but very few realize how much work it is. Start small. Start with a few parties and see what happens. The movies and tv make it look so easy, right? It is not. You might be great at feeding your family, but that does not always translate well to the public. You need to be sure you can handle it before you spend the money.




You are going to need licenses and permits. A catering company is a business. You need insurance. You need to protect yourself legally. What happens when you get a complaint from a customer? Do you have the resources to handle it? Movies and tv only paint the happy side of this business. There is a scary side that most people do not know about.




You need to be realistic about what you can and cannot do. Do not plan a party or event for something when you do not have the resources. Stay small. That will paint a realistic picture of your future goals.




You need to be flexible with everything, including the menu. Too many caterers want it "their way." You need to plan for things that your clients enjoy. It is not just about you. You need both a standard menu and a "extras" menu. That way you show your clients you are willing to accommodate their needs.




You need to know the competition. It is the only way to survive in this world. There are 5 other people who want to take your place. There are 5 other people who can do it better. What makes you different? For more useful tips and ideas you may want to explore catering in gettysburg pa.

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